Watch Youth Basketball

Featuring live streams and replays enhanced by cutting-edge AI tracking technology

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Powered By Hoopr's AI Sports Camera

AI Sports Camera

Action Cam

AI-powered Action-cam technology automatically follows the action of the game and provides you with a broadcast-like experience

Wide Visual Coverage

Our exclusive image patching technology provides expansive camera coverage, guaranteeing top-quality video without any dead space or lens distortion

High Definition Video Clarity

Next-gen lenses provide sharp video clarity and rich, vibrant colors across all streams and recordings

Hoopr Core Features


Study players and teams

Analyze your opponents and pinpoint top players. Hoopr offers the premier platform for reviewing competitors and refining your team's game plan.

Improve Your Game

Hoopr’s vast collection of game footage, combined with player profiles featuring personalized highlights and statistics, empowers athletes, coaches, and parents to analyze and improve their game.

Get Recruited

College scouts leverage Hoopr to track and assess athletes they're interested in. The more games athletes play at a Hoopr-powered event, the richer the information available for scouts, increasing their chances of recognition

Stay connected with the ones you love

Stay connected with your favorite athletes from around the globe and catch their live games anytime, anywhere!

Our Vision

At Hoopr, our passion for basketball runs deep. We believe the game is much more than just a sport; it’s a vibrant social experience, a family bonding activity, and a platform for strategy and competition that enriches our lives.

We are dedicated to empowering youth basketball players to reach their full potential by providing unparalleled support and resources. Through our innovative technology, we aim to revolutionize the way players develop and grow throughout their basketball journey.

Join us on an exciting journey as we unite athletes, fans, coaches, and college scouts to the heart of youth basketball. Together, let's celebrate the spirit of the game and nurture a new generation of champions. With Hoopr, experience the future of basketball—today.